Buy The War Within level boost service to swiftly elevate your character to the desired level and dive straight into the actual content. Enjoy our WoW 70-80 leveling boost and skip questing or search for a suitable party for dungeon runs.
- We level characters using the most efficient ways and tactics to complete the order in even less than a day;
- We don't use any third-party software to decrease the completion time. Our pro players follow the best routes, relying on their knowledge and skills to complete WoW TWW exp boost as fast as possible.
Avoid the boring grind with our The War Within level 80 boost. And don’t forget about our suitable additional options! Add related questlines completion to your order and stock up on gold for a perfect start.
What you will get
- The desired level of your character;
- 4 renown level with each Khaz Algar faction, if "Khaz Algar campaign" is selected;
- All the loot, gold, and resources that your character will get during The War Within powerleveling.
Campaign options
- Khaz Algar campaign — our booster will complete the main leveling storyline for you, giving you access to the main The War Within campaign and unlocking World quests for all your characters. This option is available starting at level 70;
- The War Within campaign — we will complete the max-level story campaign for The War Within. This option requires an 80-level character and a fully completed Khaz Algar campaign.