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Aegwynn Alliance

Aegwynn Horde

Aerie Peak Alliance

Aerie Peak Horde

Agamaggan Alliance

Agamaggan Horde

Aggramar Alliance

Aggramar Horde

Akama Alliance

Akama Horde

Alexstrasza Alliance

Alexstrasza Horde

Alleria Alliance

Alleria Horde

Altar Of Storms Alliance

Altar Of Storms Horde

Alterac Mountains Alliance

Alterac Mountains Horde

Aman'Thul Alliance

Aman'Thul Horde

Andorhal Alliance

Andorhal Horde

Anetheron Alliance

Anetheron Horde

Antonidas Alliance

Antonidas Horde

Anub'arak Alliance

Anub'arak Horde

Anvilmar Alliance

Anvilmar Horde

Arathor Alliance

Arathor Horde

Archimonde Alliance

Archimonde Horde

Area 52 Alliance

Area 52 Horde

Argent Dawn Alliance

Argent Dawn Horde

Arthas Alliance

Arthas Horde

Arygos Alliance

Arygos Horde

Auchindoun Alliance

Auchindoun Horde

Azgalor Alliance

Azgalor Horde

Azjol Nerub Alliance

Azjol Nerub Horde

Azralon Alliance

Azralon Horde

Azshara Alliance

Azshara Horde

Azuremyst Alliance

Azuremyst Horde

Baelgun Alliance

Baelgun Horde

Balnazzar Alliance

Balnazzar Horde

Barthilas Alliance

Barthilas Horde

Black Dragonflight Alliance

Black Dragonflight Horde

Blackhand Alliance

Blackhand Horde

Blackrock Alliance

Blackrock Horde

Blackwater Raiders Alliance

Blackwater Raiders Horde

Blackwing Lair Alliance

Blackwing Lair Horde

Blade's Edge Alliance

Blade's Edge Horde

Bladefist Alliance

Bladefist Horde

Bleeding Hollow Alliance

Bleeding Hollow Horde

Blood Furnace Alliance

Blood Furnace Horde

Bloodhoof Alliance

Bloodhoof Horde

Bloodscalp Alliance

Bloodscalp Horde

Bonechewer Alliance

Bonechewer Horde

Borean Tundra Alliance

Borean Tundra Horde

Boulderfist Alliance

Boulderfist Horde

Bronzebeard Alliance

Bronzebeard Horde

Burning Blade Alliance

Burning Blade Horde

Burning PC Harvest Alliance

Burning PC Harvest Horde

Caelestrasz Alliance

Caelestrasz Horde

Cairne Alliance

Cairne Horde

Cenarion Circle Alliance

Cenarion Circle Horde

Cenarius Alliance

Cenarius Horde

Cho'gall Alliance

Cho'gall Horde

Chromaggus Alliance

Chromaggus Horde

Coilfang Alliance

Coilfang Horde

Crushridge Alliance

Crushridge Horde

Daggerspine Alliance

Daggerspine Horde

Dalaran Alliance

Dalaran Horde

Dalvengyr Alliance

Dalvengyr Horde

Dark Iron Alliance

Dark Iron Horde

Darkspear Alliance

Darkspear Horde

Darrowmere Alliance

Darrowmere Horde

Dath'Remar Alliance

Dath'Remar Horde

Dawnbringer Alliance

Dawnbringer Horde

Deathwing Alliance

Deathwing Horde

Demon Soul Alliance

Demon Soul Horde

Dentarg Alliance

Dentarg Horde

Destromath Alliance

Destromath Horde

Dethecus Alliance

Dethecus Horde

Detheroc Alliance

Detheroc Horde

Doomhammer Alliance

Doomhammer Horde

Draenor Alliance

Draenor Horde

DragonPSFour Harvest Alliance

DragonPSFour Harvest Horde

Dragonmaw Alliance

Dragonmaw Horde

Drak'Tharon Alliance

Drak'Tharon Horde

Drak'thul Alliance

Drak'thul Horde

Draka Alliance

Draka Horde

Drakkari Alliance

Drakkari Horde

Dreadmaul Alliance

Dreadmaul Horde

Drenden Alliance

Drenden Horde

Dunemaul Alliance

Dunemaul Horde

Durotan Alliance

Durotan Horde

Duskwood Alliance

Duskwood Horde

Earthen Ring Alliance

Earthen Ring Horde

Echo Isles Alliance

Echo Isles Horde

Eitrigg Alliance

Eitrigg Horde

Eldre'Thalas Alliance

Eldre'Thalas Horde

Elune Alliance

Elune Horde

Emerald Dream Alliance

Emerald Dream Horde

Eonar Alliance

Eonar Horde

Eredar Alliance

Eredar Horde

Executus Alliance

Executus Horde

Exodar Alliance

Exodar Horde

Farstriders Alliance

Farstriders Horde

Feathermoon Alliance

Feathermoon Horde

Fenris Alliance

Fenris Horde

Firetree Alliance

Firetree Horde

Fizzcrank Alliance

Fizzcrank Horde

Frostmane Alliance

Frostmane Horde

Frostmourne Alliance

Frostmourne Horde

Frostwolf Alliance

Frostwolf Horde

Galakrond Alliance

Galakrond Horde

Gallywix Alliance

Gallywix Horde

Garithos Alliance

Garithos Horde

Garona Alliance

Garona Horde

Garrosh Alliance

Garrosh Horde

Ghostlands Alliance

Ghostlands Horde

Gilneas Alliance

Gilneas Horde

Gnomeregan Alliance

Gnomeregan Horde

Goldrinn Alliance

Goldrinn Horde

Gorefiend Alliance

Gorefiend Horde

Gorgonnash Alliance

Gorgonnash Horde

Greymane Alliance

Greymane Horde

Grizzly Hills Alliance

Grizzly Hills Horde

Gul'dan Alliance

Gul'dan Horde

Gundrak Alliance

Gundrak Horde

Gurubashi Alliance

Gurubashi Horde

Hakkar Alliance

Hakkar Horde

Haomarush Alliance

Haomarush Horde

Hellscream Alliance

Hellscream Horde

Hydraxis Alliance

Hydraxis Horde

Hyjal Alliance

Hyjal Horde

Icecrown Alliance

Icecrown Horde

Illidan Alliance

Illidan Horde

Jaedenar Alliance

Jaedenar Horde

Jubei'Thos Alliance

Jubei'Thos Horde

Kael'thas Alliance

Kael'thas Horde

Kalecgos Alliance

Kalecgos Horde

Kargath Alliance

Kargath Horde

Kel'Thuzad Alliance

Kel'Thuzad Horde

Khadgar Alliance

Khadgar Horde

Khaz Modan Alliance

Khaz Modan Horde

Khaz'goroth Alliance

Khaz'goroth Horde

Kil'Jaeden Alliance

Kil'Jaeden Horde

Kilrogg Alliance

Kilrogg Horde

Kirin Tor Alliance

Kirin Tor Horde

Korgath Alliance

Korgath Horde

Korialstrasz Alliance

Korialstrasz Horde

Kul Tiras Alliance

Kul Tiras Horde

Laughing Skull Alliance

Laughing Skull Horde

Lethon Alliance

Lethon Horde

Lightbringer Alliance

Lightbringer Horde

Lightning's Blade Alliance

Lightning's Blade Horde

Lightninghoof Alliance

Lightninghoof Horde

Llane Alliance

Llane Horde

Lothar Alliance

Lothar Horde

Madoran Alliance

Madoran Horde

Maelstrom Alliance

Maelstrom Horde

Magtheridon Alliance

Magtheridon Horde

Maiev Alliance

Maiev Horde

Mal'Ganis Alliance

Mal'Ganis Horde

Malfurion Alliance

Malfurion Horde

Malorne Alliance

Malorne Horde

Malygos Alliance

Malygos Horde

Mannoroth Alliance

Mannoroth Horde

Medivh Alliance

Medivh Horde

Misha Alliance

Misha Horde

Mok'Nathal Alliance

Mok'Nathal Horde

Moon Guard Alliance

Moon Guard Horde

Moonrunner Alliance

Moonrunner Horde

Mug'thol Alliance

Mug'thol Horde

Muradin Alliance

Muradin Horde

Nagrand Alliance

Nagrand Horde

Nathrezim Alliance

Nathrezim Horde

Nazgrel Alliance

Nazgrel Horde

Nazjatar Alliance

Nazjatar Horde

Nemesis Alliance

Nemesis Horde

Ner'Zhul Alliance

Ner'Zhul Horde

Nesingwary Alliance

Nesingwary Horde

Nordrassil Alliance

Nordrassil Horde

Norgannon Alliance

Norgannon Horde

Onyxia Alliance

Onyxia Horde

Perenolde Alliance

Perenolde Horde

Proudmoore Alliance

Proudmoore Horde

Quel'dorei Alliance

Quel'dorei Horde

Quel'Thalas Alliance

Quel'Thalas Horde

Ragnaros Alliance

Ragnaros Horde

Ravencrest Alliance

Ravencrest Horde

Ravenholdt Alliance

Ravenholdt Horde

Rexxar Alliance

Rexxar Horde

Rivendare Alliance

Rivendare Horde

Runetotem Alliance

Runetotem Horde

Sargeras Alliance

Sargeras Horde

Saurfang Alliance

Saurfang Horde

Scarlet Crusade Alliance

Scarlet Crusade Horde

Scilla Alliance

Scilla Horde

Sen'Jin Alliance

Sen'Jin Horde

Sentinels Alliance

Sentinels Horde

Shadow Council Alliance

Shadow Council Horde

Shadow Moon Alliance

Shadow Moon Horde

Shadowsong Alliance

Shadowsong Horde

Shandris Alliance

Shandris Horde

Shattered Halls Alliance

Shattered Halls Horde

Shattered Hand Alliance

Shattered Hand Horde

Shu'halo Alliance

Shu'halo Horde

Silver Hand Alliance

Silver Hand Horde

Silvermoon Alliance

Silvermoon Horde

Sisters Of Elune Alliance

Sisters Of Elune Horde

Skullcrusher Alliance

Skullcrusher Horde

Skywall Alliance

Skywall Horde

Smolderthorn Alliance

Smolderthorn Horde

Spinebreaker Alliance

Spinebreaker Horde

Spirestone Alliance

Spirestone Horde

Staghelm Alliance

Staghelm Horde

Steamwheedle Cartel Alliance

Steamwheedle Cartel Horde

Stonemaul Alliance

Stonemaul Horde

Stormrage Alliance

Stormrage Horde

Stormreaver Alliance

Stormreaver Horde

Stormscale Alliance

Stormscale Horde

Suramar Alliance

Suramar Horde

Tanaris Alliance

Tanaris Horde

Terenas Alliance

Terenas Horde

Terokkar Alliance

Terokkar Horde

Thaurissan Alliance

Thaurissan Horde

The Forgotten Coast Alliance

The Forgotten Coast Horde

The Scryers Alliance

The Scryers Horde

The Underbog Alliance

The Underbog Horde

The Venture Co Alliance

The Venture Co Horde

Thorium Brotherhood Alliance

Thorium Brotherhood Horde

Thrall Alliance

Thrall Horde

Thunderhorn Alliance

Thunderhorn Horde

Thunderlord Alliance

Thunderlord Horde

Tichondrius Alliance

Tichondrius Horde

Tol Barad Alliance

Tol Barad Horde

Tortheldrin Alliance

Tortheldrin Horde

Trollbane Alliance

Trollbane Horde

Turalyon Alliance

Turalyon Horde

Twisting Nether Alliance

Twisting Nether Horde

Uldaman Alliance

Uldaman Horde

Uldum Alliance

Uldum Horde

Undermine Alliance

Undermine Horde

Ursin Alliance

Ursin Horde

Uther Alliance

Uther Horde

Vashj Alliance

Vashj Horde

Vek'nilash Alliance

Vek'nilash Horde

Velen Alliance

Velen Horde

Warsong Alliance

Warsong Horde

Whisperwind Alliance

Whisperwind Horde

Wildhammer Alliance

Wildhammer Horde

Windrunner Alliance

Windrunner Horde

Winterhoof Alliance

Winterhoof Horde

Wyrmrest Accord Alliance

Wyrmrest Accord Horde

Ysera Alliance

Ysera Horde

Ysondre Alliance

Ysondre Horde

Zangarmarsh Alliance

Zangarmarsh Horde

Zul'jin Alliance

Zul'jin Horde

Zuluhed Alliance

Zuluhed Horde

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Aegwynn Alliance

Aegwynn Horde

Aerie Peak Alliance

Aerie Peak Horde

Agamaggan Alliance

Agamaggan Horde

Aggra Alliance

Aggra Horde

Aggramar Alliance

Aggramar Horde

Ahn'Qiraj Alliance

Ahn'Qiraj Horde

Al'Akir Alliance

Al'Akir Horde

Alexstrasza Alliance

Alexstrasza Horde

Alleria Alliance

Alleria Horde

Alonsus Alliance

Alonsus Horde

Aman'Thul Alliance

Aman'Thul Horde

Ambossar Alliance

Ambossar Horde

Anachronos Alliance

Anachronos Horde

Anetheron Alliance

Anetheron Horde

Antonidas Alliance

Antonidas Horde

Anub'arak Alliance

Anub'arak Horde

Anvilmar Alliance

Anvilmar Horde

Arak-Arahm Alliance

Arak-Arahm Horde

Arathi Alliance

Arathi Horde

Arathor Alliance

Arathor Horde

Archimonde Alliance

Archimonde Horde

Area 52 Alliance

Area 52 Horde

Argent Dawn Alliance

Argent Dawn Horde

Arthas Alliance

Arthas Horde

Arygos Alliance

Arygos Horde

Aszune Alliance

Aszune Horde

Auchindoun Alliance

Auchindoun Horde

Azjol-Nerub Alliance

Azjol-Nerub Horde

Azshara Alliance

Azshara Horde

Azuremyst Alliance

Azuremyst Horde

Baelgun Alliance

Baelgun Horde

Balnazzar Alliance

Balnazzar Horde

Blackhand Alliance

Blackhand Horde

Blackmoore Alliance

Blackmoore Horde

Blackrock Alliance

Blackrock Horde

Blade's Edge Alliance

Blade's Edge Horde

Bladefist Alliance

Bladefist Horde

Bloodfeather Alliance

Bloodfeather Horde

Bloodhoof Alliance

Bloodhoof Horde

Bloodscalp Alliance

Bloodscalp Horde

Blutkessel Alliance

Blutkessel Horde

Boulderfist Alliance

Boulderfist Horde

Bronze Dragonflight Alliance

Bronze Dragonflight Horde

Bronzebeard Alliance

Bronzebeard Horde

Burning Blade Alliance

Burning Blade Horde

Burning PC Harvest Alliance

Burning PC Harvest Horde

Burning Steppes Alliance

Burning Steppes Horde

C'Thun Alliance

C'Thun Horde

Chamber Of Aspects Alliance

Chamber Of Aspects Horde

Chants Eternels Alliance

Chants Eternels Horde

Cho'gall Alliance

Cho'gall Horde

Chromaggus Alliance

Chromaggus Horde

Colinas Pardas Alliance

Colinas Pardas Horde

Confrerie Du Thorium Alliance

Confrerie Du Thorium Horde

Conseil Des Ombres Alliance

Conseil Des Ombres Horde

Crushridge Alliance

Crushridge Horde

Culte De La Rive Noire Alliance

Culte De La Rive Noire Horde

Daggerspine Alliance

Daggerspine Horde

Dalaran Alliance

Dalaran Horde

Dalvengyr Alliance

Dalvengyr Horde

Darkmoon Faire Alliance

Darkmoon Faire Horde

Darksorrow Alliance

Darksorrow Horde

Darkspear Alliance

Darkspear Horde

Das Konsortium Alliance

Das Konsortium Horde

Das Syndikat Alliance

Das Syndikat Horde

Deathwing Alliance

Deathwing Horde

Defias Brotherhood Alliance

Defias Brotherhood Horde

Dentarg Alliance

Dentarg Horde

Der Abyssische Rat Alliance

Der Abyssische Rat Horde

Der Mithrilorden Alliance

Der Mithrilorden Horde

Der Rat Von Dalaran Alliance

Der Rat Von Dalaran Horde

Destromath Alliance

Destromath Horde

Dethecus Alliance

Dethecus Horde

Die Aldor Alliance

Die Aldor Horde

Die Arguswacht Alliance

Die Arguswacht Horde

Die Ewige Wacht Alliance

Die Ewige Wacht Horde

Die Nachtwache Alliance

Die Nachtwache Horde

Die Silberne Hand Alliance

Die Silberne Hand Horde

Die Todeskrallen Alliance

Die Todeskrallen Horde

Doomhammer Alliance

Doomhammer Horde

Draenor Alliance

Draenor Horde

DragonPSFour Harvest Alliance

DragonPSFour Harvest Horde

Dragonmaw Alliance

Dragonmaw Horde

Drak'thul Alliance

Drak'thul Horde

Drek'Thar Alliance

Drek'Thar Horde

Dun Modr Alliance

Dun Modr Horde

Dun Morogh Alliance

Dun Morogh Horde

Dunemaul Alliance

Dunemaul Horde

Durotan Alliance

Durotan Horde

Earthen Ring Alliance

Earthen Ring Horde

Echsenkessel Alliance

Echsenkessel Horde

Eitrigg Alliance

Eitrigg Horde

Eldre'Thalas Alliance

Eldre'Thalas Horde

Elune Alliance

Elune Horde

Emerald Dream Alliance

Emerald Dream Horde

Emeriss Alliance

Emeriss Horde

Eonar Alliance

Eonar Horde

Eredar Alliance

Eredar Horde

Executus Alliance

Executus Horde

Exodar Alliance

Exodar Horde

Festung Der Stürme Alliance

Festung Der Stürme Horde

Forscherliga Alliance

Forscherliga Horde

Frostmane Alliance

Frostmane Horde

Frostmourne Alliance

Frostmourne Horde

Frostwhisper Alliance

Frostwhisper Horde

Frostwolf Alliance

Frostwolf Horde

Garona Alliance

Garona Horde

Garrosh Alliance

Garrosh Horde

Genjuros Alliance

Genjuros Horde

Ghostlands Alliance

Ghostlands Horde

Gilneas Alliance

Gilneas Horde

Gorgonnash Alliance

Gorgonnash Horde

Grim Batol Alliance

Grim Batol Horde

Gul'dan Alliance

Gul'dan Horde

Hakkar Alliance

Hakkar Horde

Haomarush Alliance

Haomarush Horde

Hellfire Alliance

Hellfire Horde

Hellscream Alliance

Hellscream Horde

Hyjal Alliance

Hyjal Horde

Illidan Alliance

Illidan Horde

Jaedenar Alliance

Jaedenar Horde

Kael'Thas Alliance

Kael'Thas Horde

Karazhan Alliance

Karazhan Horde

Kargath Alliance

Kargath Horde

Kazzak Alliance

Kazzak Horde

Kel'Thuzad Alliance

Kel'Thuzad Horde

Khadgar Alliance

Khadgar Horde

Khaz Modan Alliance

Khaz Modan Horde

Khaz'goroth Alliance

Khaz'goroth Horde

Kil'Jaeden Alliance

Kil'Jaeden Horde

Kilrogg Alliance

Kilrogg Horde

Kirin Tor Alliance

Kirin Tor Horde

Kor'gall Alliance

Kor'gall Horde

Krag'jin Alliance

Krag'jin Horde

Krasus Alliance

Krasus Horde

Kul Tiras Alliance

Kul Tiras Horde

Kult Der Verdammten Alliance

Kult Der Verdammten Horde

La Croisade Écarlate Alliance

La Croisade Écarlate Horde

Laughing Skull Alliance

Laughing Skull Horde

Les Clairvoyants Alliance

Les Clairvoyants Horde

Les Sentinelles Alliance

Les Sentinelles Horde

Lightbringer Alliance

Lightbringer Horde

Lightning's Blade Alliance

Lightning's Blade Horde

Lordaeron Alliance

Lordaeron Horde

Los Errantes Alliance

Los Errantes Horde

Lothar Alliance

Lothar Horde

Madmortem Alliance

Madmortem Horde

Magtheridon Alliance

Magtheridon Horde

Mal'Ganis Alliance

Mal'Ganis Horde

Malfurion Alliance

Malfurion Horde

Malorne Alliance

Malorne Horde

Malygos Alliance

Malygos Horde

Mannoroth Alliance

Mannoroth Horde

Marecage De Zangar Alliance

Marecage De Zangar Horde

Mazrigos Alliance

Mazrigos Horde

Medivh Alliance

Medivh Horde

Minahonda Alliance

Minahonda Horde

Molten Core Alliance

Molten Core Horde

Moonglade Alliance

Moonglade Horde

Mug'thol Alliance

Mug'thol Horde

Nagrand Alliance

Nagrand Horde

Nathrezim Alliance

Nathrezim Horde

Naxxramas Alliance

Naxxramas Horde

Nazjatar Alliance

Nazjatar Horde

Nefarian Alliance

Nefarian Horde

Nemesis Alliance

Nemesis Horde

Neptulon Alliance

Neptulon Horde

Ner'zhul Alliance

Ner'zhul Horde

Nera'thor Alliance

Nera'thor Horde

Nethersturm Alliance

Nethersturm Horde

Nordrassil Alliance

Nordrassil Horde

Norgannon Alliance

Norgannon Horde

Nozdormu Alliance

Nozdormu Horde

Onyxia Alliance

Onyxia Horde

Outland Alliance

Outland Horde

Perenolde Alliance

Perenolde Horde

Pierre Farines Alliance

Pierre Farines Horde

Pozzo Dell'Eternita Alliance

Pozzo Dell'Eternita Horde

Proudmoore Alliance

Proudmoore Horde

Quel'Thalas Alliance

Quel'Thalas Horde

Ragnaros Alliance

Ragnaros Horde

Rajaxx Alliance

Rajaxx Horde

Rashgarroth Alliance

Rashgarroth Horde

Ravencrest Alliance

Ravencrest Horde

Ravenholdt Alliance

Ravenholdt Horde

Rexxar Alliance

Rexxar Horde

Runetotem Alliance

Runetotem Horde

Sanguino Alliance

Sanguino Horde

Sargeras Alliance

Sargeras Horde

Saurfang Alliance

Saurfang Horde

Scarshield PC Harvest Alliance

Scarshield PC Harvest Horde

Sen'jin Alliance

Sen'jin Horde

Shadow Moon Alliance

Shadow Moon Horde

Shadowsong Alliance

Shadowsong Horde

Shattered Halls Alliance

Shattered Halls Horde

Shattered Hand Alliance

Shattered Hand Horde

Shattrath Alliance

Shattrath Horde

Shen'dralar Alliance

Shen'dralar Horde

Silvermoon Alliance

Silvermoon Horde

Sinstralis Alliance

Sinstralis Horde

Skullcrusher Alliance

Skullcrusher Horde

Spinebreaker Alliance

Spinebreaker Horde

Sporeggar Alliance

Sporeggar Horde

Steamwheedle Cartel Alliance

Steamwheedle Cartel Horde

Stonemaul Alliance

Stonemaul Horde

Stormrage Alliance

Stormrage Horde

Stormreaver Alliance

Stormreaver Horde

Stormscale Alliance

Stormscale Horde

Sunstrider Alliance

Sunstrider Horde

Suramar Alliance

Suramar Horde

Sylvanas Alliance

Sylvanas Horde

Taerar Alliance

Taerar Horde

Talnivarr Alliance

Talnivarr Horde

Tarren Mill Alliance

Tarren Mill Horde

Teldrassil Alliance

Teldrassil Horde

Temple Noir Alliance

Temple Noir Horde

Terenas Alliance

Terenas Horde

Terokkar Alliance

Terokkar Horde

Terrordar Alliance

Terrordar Horde

The Maelstrom Alliance

The Maelstrom Horde

The Sha'tar Alliance

The Sha'tar Horde

The Venture Co. Alliance

The Venture Co. Horde

Theradras Alliance

Theradras Horde

Thrall Alliance

Thrall Horde

Throk'Feroth Alliance

Throk'Feroth Horde

Thunderhorn Alliance

Thunderhorn Horde

Tichondrius Alliance

Tichondrius Horde

Tirion Alliance

Tirion Horde

Todeswache Alliance

Todeswache Horde

Trollbane Alliance

Trollbane Horde

Turalyon Alliance

Turalyon Horde

Twilight's Hammer Alliance

Twilight's Hammer Horde

Twisting Nether Alliance

Twisting Nether Horde

Tyrande Alliance

Tyrande Horde

Uldaman Alliance

Uldaman Horde

Ulduar Alliance

Ulduar Horde

Uldum Alliance

Uldum Horde

Un'Goro Alliance

Un'Goro Horde

Varimathras Alliance

Varimathras Horde

Vashj Alliance

Vashj Horde

Vek'lor Alliance

Vek'lor Horde

Vek'nilash Alliance

Vek'nilash Horde

Vol'jin Alliance

Vol'jin Horde

Well Of Eternity Alliance

Well Of Eternity Horde

Wildhammer Alliance

Wildhammer Horde

Wrathbringer Alliance

Wrathbringer Horde

Xavius Alliance

Xavius Horde

Ysera Alliance

Ysera Horde

Ysondre Alliance

Ysondre Horde

Zenedar Alliance

Zenedar Horde

Zirkel Des Cenarius Alliance

Zirkel Des Cenarius Horde

Zul'jin Alliance

Zul'jin Horde

Zuluhed Alliance

Zuluhed Horde

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What Is WOW The War Within Gold?

WOW The War Within Gold is the main currency in WOW The War Within game world. Players can use it to obtain various Mounts, Weapons, and some Rare Props in the game, and these Items can help players better arm themselves in the game.

Besides these benefits, WOW TWW Gold can also help Guilds in the game to complete Major Raids in Global Race. Therefore, The War Within Gold is indispensable for all players when playing the game.

How To Farm WOW TWW Gold?

Because of the extraordinary importance of WOW The War Within Gold, it is best for players to have as much Gold as possible. Here are some of the main ways to Farm The War Within Gold in the game:

  1. Participating In Legacy Raids: By participating in Legacy Raids with Allies in the game, players can get various Loot as Rewards, including WOW The War Within Gold. Of course, you can also sell some Loot you don’t need, which will also exchange for some Gold.
  2. Complete Weekly And World Quests: The game will provide players with numerous Quests to complete, such as Weekly and World Quests. Complete them regularly through Daily Activities, and you will get the corresponding Gold in return.
  3. Farming Cosmetic Items: By Exploring Ancient Dungeons and Raiding Old Battlegrounds, players will get some Cosmetic Items. Selling them to other players will exchange them for TWW Gold.
  4. Farming BOE: Players can Farm BOE Items by Teaming up with others, Killing specific NPCs in the game, or sweeping Enemies in Raids. They can also be converted into Gold.
  5. Crafting Orders: Players can start making Items for sale to get WOW The War Within Gold through Crafting Orders System in the game.
  6. Trading At Auction House: Players can not only Sell Items here to get Gold but also make full use of Price difference of different Items at different stages to further earn more WOW TWW Gold.
  7. Reagents Farming: In some places in the game, players can Defeat specific Creatures to get some precious things such as Elemental Goods and Materials for Enchantment, and then use them to exchange for WOW The War Within Gold.

The above are some ways to farm as much Gold as possible in WOW The War Within. But I have to say that if you don’t have enough time and energy, then these methods may not be suitable for you, and directly buying TWW Gold may be a better choice.

Is It Safe And Legal To Buy WOW The War Within Gold On EZG.com?

On EZG.com, you can rest assured that the TWW Gold for sale here has undergone very strict security checks and there will be no mistakes. EZG.com will also do its best to protect your account security. In addition, you will also see a variety of WOW The War Within Gold packages for sale here, and you can choose according to your needs. More importantly, due to sufficient inventory, you don’t have to worry about affecting your game progress. In addition, EZG.com supports a variety of payment methods, such as Paypal, credit cards, and more local payments, so that you can buy the WOW TWW Gold you need anytime, anywhere.

From the moment you complete the payment, you can track the progress of the order at any time until we deliver The War Within Gold to you within the specified time. As for the after-sales issues that you care about most, EZG.com has a very professional team to provide you with all the after-sales information. For example, if you do not receive the gold coins as expected, we support you to get a full refund!

Whether you are looking for instant delivery or the cheapest WOW TWW gold coins, EZG.com can provide you with the best service. Looking forward to your visit!

How To Buy WOW TWW Gold On EZG.com?

1. Log in to your account on EZG.com, or register if you don't have one yet.

2. Go to the gold page of WOW The War Within and select your server.

3. Select the amount of gold you need to add to the shopping cart and click Checkout.

4. Fill in the delivery information according to your preferred delivery method. Please check carefully to avoid mistakes.

5. Select your usual payment method, check the available coupon codes, and finally click Pay Now.


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WOW The War Within: Have You Got These Cool New Mounts Yet? - Overview & How to Get Them

WOW The War Within: Have You Got These Cool New Mounts Yet? - Overview & How to Get Them

After the release of WOW The War Within, players found that there were a lot of new content that differed from the base game, including some new mounts. There are now nearly a dozen new mounts available for you to choose from in WOW The War Within.

Although some of the new mounts are only different from the base game mounts in a different color, these recolored mounts allow you to match some different equipment sets from the base game to achieve different visual effects. This guide will introduce you to some of the new mounts in WOW The War Within that have very cool appearances, and how to get them.

WOW The War Within: Have You Got These Cool New Mounts Yet? - Overview & How to Get Them

1. Swarmite Skyhunter

Swarmite Skyhunter is the first on this list with a very weird appearance - like a combination of spiders and bats. This is one item you get as a reward after you get Khaz Algar Glyph Hunter Achievement, which requires you to complete Glyph Hunter Achievements in other zones.

WOW The War Within Swarmite Skyhunter

Sounds difficult, doesn’t it? In fact, the main campaign quests you take on will take you through every zone added to the expansion, so you’ll complete all the achievements as you go.

2. Siesbarg

Compared to Swarmite Skyhunter, Siesbarg’s appearance is more difficult to describe. It looks like a hybrid of multiple creatures, and a bit like an Azj-Kahet style remake of Frankenstein’s monster.

But considering that City of Threads is a place where experiments are often carried out, Siesbarg may be an experimental subject, and it’s not surprising that it looks like this. But the buff it provides you with increasing your movement speed may make you temporarily forget about this spectacular appearance, because it is very fast to use it to farm WOW The War Within Gold.

WOW The War Within Siesbarg

To get Siesbarg, you need to complete a very complicated series of events. First, you need a bottle of Vial of Tka’ktath’s Blood to start the progress bar for obtaining Siesbarg.

This Vial of Tka’ktath’s Blood requires you to complete the quest of 1,500 Nerubian Chitin, and you also need to complete the quest of 500 Nerubian Blood to fully complete the progress bar of obtaining Siesbarg. This is a very long test and requires you to have a lot of patience.

3. Dauntless Imperial Lynx

Although the appearance of Dauntless Imperial Lynx looks slightly better than the previous two, it is a mount that can only be used on the ground, and it is not even available when you use the steady flight option.

I believe that many players will give up this mount after learning this information, because in the current WOW The War Within expansion, a mount that cannot fly is equivalent to being useless. But for those players who want to complete the mount collection, this mount that does not look strange may be useful.

WOW The War Within Dauntless Imperial Lynx

While Dauntless Imperial Lynx only has a around 1% chance of dropping from a Lamplighter Supply Satchel, since these Lamplighter Supply Satchels are a pretty simple reward from Spreading the Light in Hallowfall, this mount isn’t actually that difficult to obtain.

The above are some very cool mounts in WOW The War Within. You can find them according to your own usage habits or game style. I hope you can have fun playing this new expansion!

WoW The War Within: How To Get This New Mount? - Beledar’s Spawn

WoW The War Within: How To Get This New Mount? - Beledar’s Spawn

There are many things that can be collected in World of Warcraft. These things will not only bring you a more interesting game experience but also push forward the entire progress of the game, such as transmog, toys, pets, mounts and so on.

And the game’s expansion - The War Within, will also introduce more new cosmetics to track down. For example, there are totally 37 new mounts were added to The War Within. Some are easy to get while some are pretty hard to embrace. Because you are required to devote much more time and energy, such as Beledar’s Spawn.

WoW The War Within: How To Get This New Mount? - Beledar’s Spawn

This article will detail the way to get Beledar’s Spawn, together with some strategies that needed to be considered in doing so.

How To Get Beledar’s Spawn?

As a rare drop from a rare enemy, it is reasonable that Beledar’s Spawn is very difficult to get. And. It only makes an appearance during the particular “night mode” that occurs in Hallowfall, known as Beledar’s Shadow. This further limits the time and method of obtaining Beledar’s Spawn. When the giant crystal - Beledar turns purple, Beledar’s Shadow begins.

Every 3 hours, this phenomenon will occur. And Beledar’s Spawn will show up the moment Beledar’s Shadow begins.

Beledar’s Spawn does not appear in a fixed area, which makes many players feel difficult and helpless. In the period of Beledar’s Shadow, there are 20 different spots across Hallowfall on offer where these rare items will be found.

This process is very time-consuming, and even if you are lucky enough to find it eventually, you will have to fight it to put it on your mount.

The Strategies To Deal With Beledar’s Spawn

Once reaching the level of 23, you can get an item from Hallowfall Arathi Quartermaster, which is aimed at making the later battle with Beledar’s Spawn easier. And that is Beledar’s Attunement. However, if you still find it difficult to fight, it is recommended to cooperate with other players in the area to defeat it.

But it will take a long time and hard work to reach Rank 23. Here offers another channel, to build up a team or join in a team. Make sure you have at least 20 players in your team, which just fits the 20 spots mentioned above. Once you see Beledar’s Spawn, you should contact your teammates as soon as possible to fight together.

Players only need to kill the boss once to be eligible for this mount, so don’t rush to fight with this boss and wait for your teammates to join you.

Considering the fact that the rate to drop this mount is quite low, so try to try as many times as possible. Other than the mount, Beledar’s Spawn also has the odds of dropping a ring called Signet of Dark Horizons. If you find difficulties in dealing with it, you can upgrade your weapon in the first place by devoting some WoW The War Within Gold.

That’s all about the way to get the mount named Beledar’s Spawn. Thanks for reading.

WoW The War Within: How To Get The Newly Added Epic Consumable Items? - Delver's Bounty Maps Guide

WoW The War Within: How To Get The Newly Added Epic Consumable Items? - Delver's Bounty Maps Guide

The new Delve feature introduced in WoW The War Within allows players to obtain a large amount of gear. Besides the two chests containing basic gear provided at the end of normal Delves, there are also Bountiful Delves, which can be unlocked by using Delver’s Bounty Maps, and the chests in Bountiful Delves contain more loot than standard chests.

Delver’s Bounty Maps are rare items that can be obtained through a Delve under certain conditions. These items have quickly become highly sought after gear as they reveal the location of hidden treasures. This guide will show TWW players how to obtain a Delver’s Bounty Map.

WoW The War Within: How To Get The Newly Added Epic Consumable Items? - Delver's Bounty Maps Guide

Unlock Extra Loot

Delver’s Bounty Maps are newly added Epic Consumable items. They work in conjunction with the game’s new Delve system to ensure that players can obtain higher tier chest rewards after completing specific Delves. When you acquire a Delver’s Bounty Map, it automatically adjusts to your current Delve Tier. This means that the next time you complete a Delve of the same or higher tier, you’ll get an extra reward at the end of the mission.

When you use a Delver’s Bounty Map, your character gains a buff that survives your death. This buff applies to your next Delve of the same Delve Tier or higher. When you complete a Delve of that tier, besides the normal rewards, a loot chest called a Hidden Trove is spawned.

Typically, each Bountiful Delves leaves behind a Bountiful Coffer in the Treasure Room, which can be opened with a Restored Coffer Key, which contains gear corresponding to the current Delve Tier. However, Hidden Troves rewards high-level gear around iLvl 600 to 610 for Tiers 7 and 8, as well as guaranteed Harbinger Crests, rare items for customizing Brann’s loadout, and WOW The War Within Gold.

Get Delver’s Bounty Maps

Players need to complete a Bountiful Delve of any difficulty and open one of the two normal reward chests. The drop rate for this method is very low, so you may need to do several Bountiful Delves to get one. There is another method, and while Delver’s Bounty Maps rarely drop in normal Delves, they will appear if you are caught by Zekvir (this can happen randomly in high-tier Delves).

You can only get three Delver’s Bounty Maps per character per week. To get the best gear for your main rig, you should first upgrade your Delve Tiers with an Alt character. If you find any Delver’s Bounty Maps while leveling, you will be given gear that matches your current tier instead of level 8 gear. Your main can then go directly to Tier 8 Delves and have a chance to get the highest-tier Delver’s Bounty Map instead of any lower-tier versions.

Hopefully, this guide will help you be more successful in WoW The War Within!

WoW The War Within: How To Get Undercoins To Trade For More Valuable Items?

WoW The War Within: How To Get Undercoins To Trade For More Valuable Items?

The endgame activity Delves in WoW The War Within is designed to include every players, no matter which their play style is. Delves serves as a portion of Great Vault and its content keeps a tight link with Season 1.

This undoubtedly explains the developers’ desire to entice players to play more games in the series. And once reaching level 80, you are available to start your journey in Delves.

WoW The War Within: How To Get Undercoins To Trade For More Valuable Items?

Delves offers players mountains of rewards, and with the adventure pushing forward, you are required to collect Undercoins, a Delve-exclusive currency. But why? This article is about the information of Undercoins.

What Are Undercoins Used For?

In Dornogal, there lies a space that is exclusive to Delves. Next to Brann Bronzebeard, you will find two vendors. On the left is Reno Jackson who mainly sells cosmetics, and on the right is Sir Finley Mrrgglton, who sells kinds of gear for alts, toys, and Restored Coffer Keys.

Obviously, the things that Sir Finley Mrrgglton has are very attractive. Because of this, these things are not free. Players are needed to collect Undercoins to make a trade with them.

You can read Delver’s Journey book to get more information about the items that Sir Finley Mrrgglton will sell, and most of them are of great value and importance. Therefore, it is recommended that to save your Undercoins until there is more stock that suits your demands to choose from.

How to Get Undercoins?

You can obtain Undercoins needed when Bountiful Delves comes to an end. But as it stands, Undercoins are not going to drop in normal Delves. You can get mountains of Undercoins by using a Restored Coffer Key, or through the channel of chests that are not locked in Treasure Room.

Asides from the chests before a Bountiful Delve concludes, there are several other ways players can get more Undercoins.

The first is to get Undercoins by killing enemies. While performing Delves on Tier 4 or higher, you’ll find that the strength of enemies has been significantly improved by Zekvir. Killing these enemies will reward you with additional Undercoins together with Delver’s Journey progress at the end of Delve.

The second method is less reliable because it is random and depends on whether Zekvir will appear. Zekvir attacks the player randomly, and his attacks are quite fierce and fast, and can defeat you in one or two hits, especially when there are groups of enemies interfering, and you rarely have enough energy to dodge his attacks.

If you encounter Zekvir in battle, you will find a spike is left on the ground by him. Looting this spike promises you Undercoins, Delver’s Journey progress, Valorstones, and a chance to embrace Relicblood of Zekvir Utility Curio.

These rewards do sound tempting, but given the randomness of the rewards, it is not recommended to rely on this method. Groups of enemies who accept the boost of Zekvir are under the control of him. It is best to kill them as soon as possible so that even if you encounter Zekvir later, you can use all your energy to deal with him, but it is best to pick up some powerful weapons before doing so.

Even if you can’t get more valuable items because you don’t have enough Undercoins, you are available to get them by spending some WoW The War Within Gold.

That’s all about Undercoins in Delves in WoW The War Within. Thanks for reading.

WoW The War Within: How To Unlock 6 Best New Pets? - Vanilla, Guacamole And More

WoW The War Within: How To Unlock 6 Best New Pets? - Vanilla, Guacamole And More

More than a hundred new pets have been completed in WoW The War Within, with some types of previous expansion pets and the same TWW model of unique pattern being contained. The designs of these new pets are pretty useful and unique. If you are a player who likes to collect equipment and items in the game, then you must not miss those fabulous pets offered in the game.

Although players’ judgment on the best pets is subjective, after big data statistics and professional data analysis. The following six of WoW TWW pets can be counted as the most adorable or special pets that will suit your needs.

WoW The War Within: How To Unlock 6 Best New Pets? - Vanilla, Guacamole And More

This article will mainly introduce these 6 new pets and the specific unlocking methods.


Vanilla is a precious lynx cat. Players need to complete a quest to get Vanilla. You can pick up the quest in northwest Hallowfall (near Light’s Blooming) from Aliya Hillhelm. This quest is called “Save Tomothy” in Hallowfall, which begins with the quest named “Seeds of Evil”.


Guacamole has a very developed sense of smell. To get Guacamole, players are required to reach rank 17 with Assembly of Deeps Renown track, then trade it with renown vendor Waxmonger Squick in Gundargaz by costing 6500 Resonance Crystals.


Chester has some combat capabilities. Chester is obtained randomly because it serves as drop rewards. Players have to complete Bountiful Delves for Bountiful Coffer, or get a Hidden Trove through Delver’s Bounty Map. But in fact, the chance of Chester dropping in these two treasure chests is not high.

Cinderwold Sizzlestinger

Completing the quest of “Home Is Where The Candle Is” in Ringing Deeps will promise Cinderwold Sizzlestinger as a reward for players. You can pick up the quest from Granny Scribbes in Gundargaz, which begins with the quest of “Dripsy Forgot Her Candle”.


Players are required to complete “Khaz Algar Safari” achievement, which demands players to catch every new wild Battle Pet in The War Within. This quest sounds like a bit of a hassle and could take a long time. And it is noticeable that this achievement excludes those pets which are earned from quests, obtained from vendors, or other channel offered during TWW.

Dalaran Sewer Turtle

To get Dalaran Sewer Turtle pet, you are needed to finish a short “questline” which requires 5x Dornish Pike, 1x Goldengill Trout, and a bit of time.

First, travel to the west side of Freywold Village to find a Sewer Turtle, and give it your Dornish Pike. Then, return again and provide it with a Goldengill Trout. Finally, find Sewer Turtle, three of its mates, and Dalaran Sewer Rat in Stoneshaper’s Atrium in Dornogal, and you will get Turtle’s Trove and Sewer Turtle Whistle.

To obtain other pets, you also need to complete various tasks. Players can choose to upgrade their equipment by devoting some WoW The War Within Gold to complete these tasks more smoothly.

That’s it for the six most popular and valuable new pets in WoW The War Within. Thanks for reading.
