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Continue shoppingBuy Crystallised Lifeforce - get any type of currency item that will help you craft a strong item for your build.
Harvest Colours - Encountered are three plant colors, each of these types drop their own colored Lifeforce which is used in color exclusive crafts. Valuable crafts determine the high-value Lifeforce. We'll interact with Sacred Grove's plant plots to spawn tough monsters. After defeating them all of the desired Crystallised Lifeforce currency will be yours!
IMPORTANT: Place any RARE item for trade. It should NOT be UNIQUE, MAGIC, or any other type apart from RARE;
If you still have some questions or want some unusual options — feel free to text us! Even at 3:00 AM :) We're online 24/7!
Settlers of Kalguur SC
Primal Crystallised Lifeforce x10000
Vivid Crystallised Lifeforce x10000
Wild Crystallised Lifeforce x10000
Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce