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Whether in League of Legends or Wild Rift, the various Champion skins have always been the hottest topic among players. Some skins can help players hide better in the jungle-filled maps, while others can help players cast less visible damage skills to achieve the goal of winning the battle.
Unfortunately, some of these skins require you to buy them with Wild Cores, the universal currency in the game. And these Wild Cores are basically not available through quests or activities, but can only be found in League of Legends Wild Rift Top Up sold on
Even some skins cannot be bought with League of Legends or Wild Rift Wild Cores, such as the existing legendary skin, Fiend Queller Yone. But don’t worry, you can also find it in Wild Rift Top Up section of You can be the first to appreciate the handsomeness of Yone in different forms in advance.
In addition, new Wild Passes and Mini Pass Elites will appear in each season of Wild Rift. In both battle passes, there are reward tracks with very generous rewards, such as some boost cards that can be used to increase XP or cards with double Blue Essence. Similarly, LOL Wild Rift Top Up on also has the option for both battle passes.
Overall, with the addition of one, Camille, Pyke, Swain, and Varus, you will explore this dark world in depth. So you must not miss the opportunity to get these skins, and most importantly, finding League of Legends Wild Rift MINI PASS, FIEND QUELLER SKINS, Fiend Queller Yone, Wild Cores and other top up for sale on will definitely greatly enhance your gaming experience!
1. First you need to log in to Riot Website and determine which server your Wild Rift account is on, then you can buy Top Up for your account on
2. After logging in to and selecting your region, you can start selecting the goods you want. If you have multiple items that you want to check out together, you can first click the shopping cart icon to add them to your shopping cart.
3. After selecting all the items, you can click the shopping cart in the upper right corner to enter the checkout interface. You need to fill in your Riot ID in Delivery Information column as Gamename#****. At this time, you need to check carefully to make sure there are no mistakes.
4. After you have confirmed that all the items and IDs are correct, you can choose your preferred payment method and click Pay Now! But I need to remind you that you still need to check your Order History interface to see if the payment is completed.
5. Wait for a while, and your goods will be sent to your account as an in-game email. So you can proceed with the subsequent game process.
In Wild Rift, you can also use Wild Core to buy various Champion skins with high fantasy, steampunk, and Lovecraftian horror styles in the in-game store, which will give you a very good visual experience throughout the game. In addition, Wild Core can also be used to buy some Wild Pass and Mini Pass Elite, which are reward tracks with super generous rewards that can help you fight better in the game or get more XP.
However, you basically can’t get Wild Core directly in the game, so finding League of Legends Wild Rift Top Up for sale on is your best choice.
First of all, the most important thing when buying LOL Wild Rift Top Up is the number of Wild Cores. Considering the concerns of players, there are now numerous League of Legends Wild Rift Wild Cores for sale on, where you can buy all the cores you want at once, so that you can quickly get back to the game process. In addition, through the LOL Wild Rift Top Up service on, you can also buy a variety of Wild Pass, Mini Pass Elite, and Fiend Queller Skin. This means that you can always spend the least time and cost to get the best shopping experience on our website! also attaches great importance to account security. Because our website not only requires all Wild Cores for sale to undergo rigorous security testing, but also has a very strict SSL encryption mechanism, allowing you to enjoy an absolutely safe trading environment.
In addition, also has a lot of customer service staff who can provide you with professional answers at all times, so that you can quickly solve any problems you encounter with the product before the sale or with the order after the sale.
The above three advantages will definitely become the most sincere reason for you to enter and buy LOL Wild Rift Top Up. Looking forward to your visit!
If you are desperate to kick off a good beginning in LOL Wild Rift, then try your best to play a meta champion. Meta champs are always very strong, reliable, and can lead the entire team, at least to complete their duties and responsibilities.
This article will provide a complete League of Legends Wild Rift tier list according to the different roles. For example, if you’re a Top Laner, then choose a champion that’s suitable for Top lane, and choose the best Support role if you are a Support player.
For new players, choosing S tier champions will save a lot of trouble because they are pretty powerful in the current version. And some champions require Wild Core to trade, which you can get through LOL Wild Rift Top Up.
The first thing to emphasize is the off-meta picks. If you are very confident in your strength, of course, you can choose them. The ones that need to be introduced here are Vayne, Seraphine, Malphite, and Lux.
Vayne top is very effective against tanks like Mundo who cannot move. Seraphine mid is available to provide sustain, CC, and a ton of damage. If your team has equipped with engage and some AD damage, then do not miss her. As for Malphite and Lux, they can be counted as great Supports if they are combined with ADC who has CC, such as Ashe, Jhin, or Varus.
Teemo, Kennen, Sett, Yashuo, Shen, Ornn, Vladimir
Maokai, Kayle, Nasus, Nautilus, Dr. Mundo, Tristana, Vayne, Camille, Jax, Singed, Garen, Fiora, Irelia, Darius
Urgot, Volibear, Mordekaiser, Rengar Renekton, Wukong, Aatrox, Riven
Tryndamere, Pantheon, Gwain, Sion, Malphite, Yone, Gragas
Akali, Graves, Jayce
Baron Lane (Top Lane) is usually isolated and helpless when fighting against opponents, so champions with obvious advantages need to be selected in 1v1 or even 1v2 scenarios. In some cases, sacrifices must be made for the team.
Fiddlesticks, Rammus, Nilah, Morgana, Viego
Maokai, Fizz, Shyvana, Liliah, Warwick, Evelynn, Diana, Jarvan IV, Tryndamyr, Aatrox, Graves, Vi, Ekko, Kayn, Darius, Olaf, Pantheon, Nunu & Willump, Yone, Zed, Talon, Kindred
Hecarim, Jayce, Amumu, Volibear, Rengar, Master Yi, Gwain, Wukong, Gwen
Nautilus, Kha’Zix, Xin Zhao, Lee Sin
Junglers exert huge influence on game tempo for their teams in early period and their responsibility is to secure neutral objectives (Dragons, Baron, etc. ).
Syndra, Kennen, Teemo, Aurelion Sol, Brand, Vladimir, Orianna, Twisted Fate, Seraphine, Sivir, Lux
Corki, Ahri, Talon, Zoe, Lissandra, Annie, Veigar, Kayle, Kasadin, Yasuo, Fizz, Tristana, Karma, Ezreal
Galio, Swain, Ziggs, Vex, Morgana, Diana, Akshan
Ekko, Irelia, Katarina, Akali, Zed, Miss Fortune
Malphite, Pantheon, Lucian, Yone, Jayce
Mid lane is widely known as the most significant lane in the game. If the mid lane collapses, it will be difficult to win the game. If your Mid Laner can put pressure on the enemy Mid Laner, it can give your team a significant advantage and make the game easier. The coordination between Mid Laner and Jungler is also very important.
Sivir, Twitch, Ezreal, Zeri, Jinx, Kalista
Jhin, Caitlyn, Xayah, Varus
Tristana, Vayne, Ashe, Miss Fortune, Draven, Kai’Sa, Nilah
Lucian, Samira
Dragon lane serves as the battlefield of the notorious “Marksmen” champions. Marksman’s task is mainly to destroy enemy buildings around the map and deal damage.
The ability of a Marksman is mainly judged by whether he can position himself correctly, try to avoid enemy damage, and stay alive.
Janna, Sona, Braum, Brand, Lux
Karma, Brand, Blitzcrank, Alistar, Lulu, Soraka, Rakan, Nautilus, Milio
Yuumi, Swain, Seraphine, Leona, Nami, Senna, Sett
Galio, Thresh, Zyra
Maokai, Morgana, Pyke, Malphite, Veigar, Miss Fortune, Ashe
In the early days of League of Legends, the support role was just to provide vision to the team and not to gain any resources. But now, this role exerts a huge impact on the gameplay.
Support players are now available to dictate how the lane phase progresses, rambling around with your Jungler, providing vision, and more.
These are all the champions released in the game at the moment and the tier list of roles. Thanks for reading.