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Publish Date: Sep 29 ,2024
The new Delve feature introduced in WoW The War Within allows players to obtain a large amount of gear. Besides the two chests containing basic gear provided at the end of normal Delves, there are also Bountiful Delves, which can be unlocked by using Delver’s Bounty Maps, and the chests in Bountiful Delves contain more loot than standard chests.
Delver’s Bounty Maps are rare items that can be obtained through a Delve under certain conditions. These items have quickly become highly sought after gear as they reveal the location of hidden treasures. This guide will show TWW players how to obtain a Delver’s Bounty Map.
Delver’s Bounty Maps are newly added Epic Consumable items. They work in conjunction with the game’s new Delve system to ensure that players can obtain higher tier chest rewards after completing specific Delves. When you acquire a Delver’s Bounty Map, it automatically adjusts to your current Delve Tier. This means that the next time you complete a Delve of the same or higher tier, you’ll get an extra reward at the end of the mission.
When you use a Delver’s Bounty Map, your character gains a buff that survives your death. This buff applies to your next Delve of the same Delve Tier or higher. When you complete a Delve of that tier, besides the normal rewards, a loot chest called a Hidden Trove is spawned.
Typically, each Bountiful Delves leaves behind a Bountiful Coffer in the Treasure Room, which can be opened with a Restored Coffer Key, which contains gear corresponding to the current Delve Tier. However, Hidden Troves rewards high-level gear around iLvl 600 to 610 for Tiers 7 and 8, as well as guaranteed Harbinger Crests, rare items for customizing Brann’s loadout, and WOW The War Within Gold.
Players need to complete a Bountiful Delve of any difficulty and open one of the two normal reward chests. The drop rate for this method is very low, so you may need to do several Bountiful Delves to get one. There is another method, and while Delver’s Bounty Maps rarely drop in normal Delves, they will appear if you are caught by Zekvir (this can happen randomly in high-tier Delves).
You can only get three Delver’s Bounty Maps per character per week. To get the best gear for your main rig, you should first upgrade your Delve Tiers with an Alt character. If you find any Delver’s Bounty Maps while leveling, you will be given gear that matches your current tier instead of level 8 gear. Your main can then go directly to Tier 8 Delves and have a chance to get the highest-tier Delver’s Bounty Map instead of any lower-tier versions.
Hopefully, this guide will help you be more successful in WoW The War Within!