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Publish Date: Sep 30 ,2024
WoW Classic Season of Discovery has introduced a new dungeon called Demon Fall Canyon. This dungeon is quite special because it is a SoD original.
Beside the addition of a brand new dungeon, World of Warcraft Classic also rolled out its first highest level update for Season of Discovery.
For instances, experimental servers complete mountains of new Rune engravings, Blackrock Eruptions world event in Burning Steppes and Searing Gorge, and instanced raid versions Azuregos and Doom Lord Kazzak–two representative world bosses from World of Warcraft Classic. Moreover, the updates also contain revamped versions of Molten Core and Onyxia’s Lair.
However, the biggest surprise refers to the new dungeon that mentioned above. This article will detail Demon Fall Canyon circumstantially.
Demon Fall Canyon is located in a secluded, corrupted region in southeast Ashenvale. Players are required Attunement in order to enter it.
By completing Demonic Deceptions quest, which can be acquired by Shadowtooth Emissary in Felwood, players have the chance to enter this level 55-60 dungeon.
Demon Fall Canyon is overwhelmed with a variety of enemies and 6 new bosses that you have ever met before. To face those unknown risks, if you lack in confidence, then it is wise to upgrade the performance of your weapons by spending some WoW Classic SoD Gold.
As the place that Grommash Hellscream slew Mannoroth, the demon whose blood corrupted Orcs, during WarCraft 3, Demon Fall Canyon is also available in other versions of WoW. But it only includes a floating, shattered glaive of Pit Lord and a monument of the legendary World of Warcraft orc there. And Season of Discovery has successfully transformed this vital lore spot into a whole dungeon.
Firstly, you are needed to pick up Demonic Deceptions quest from Shadowtooth Emissary in Felwood, and then get 6 Owlbeast Pineal Glands from Berserk Owlbeasts in Winterspring, north of Everlook after beating Owlbeasts. But you have to satisfy the demands of level to pick up the quest.
After completing these two tasks, you can get Shadowtooth Illusion Ward by exchanging 6 Glands with Shadowtooth Emissary. With Illusion Ward being equipped, head to Demon Fall Canyon and you are available to see the entrance of dungeon.
Here lies the detail of 6 boss that you are going to launch encounter fight with them.
Hellscream’s Phantom, the last boss in the dungeon, will drop Shadow of Gorehowl, one of the most iconic axes in World of Warcraft history. It will definitely add a layer of expection and excitement to this journey.
That’s all about Demon Fall Canyon, the new dungeon introduced in WoW Classic SoD. Thanks for reading.