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Publish Date: Oct 08 ,2024
You can play a lot of different versions of World of Warcraft, Classic, Classic Era, Classic Season of Discovery, and Retail World of Warcraft, each one very different from the last.
WOW Classic ERA is the vanilla version of World of WarCraft that has been out since 2019. There are a lot of players logging in and leveling up new characters, which is a pleasant sight. This guide will take you through a closer look at how to level up quickly in WOW Classic ERA?
When you reach Westfall, there are a lot of people running around, and you can enter some dead mines, which is fun. However, it seems to be getting harder and harder to find real groups for dungeons. Instead, if you have a goal, you will be given a lot of boosters and WOW Classic ERA Gold that can help you get from level 20 to level 60 as quickly as possible.
If you are new, it is worth taking the time to look through the leveling guide and talk to more experienced friends to find out the most efficient questing route. Surprisingly, quite a few new players are not new to WOW Classic ERA, but to World of Warcraft. So it’s fun to see veteran players go out of their way to answer questions and help all the newbies with their dungeon quests. So leveling up is a great experience overall.
Weapon skills feature heavily in WOW Classic ERA, meaning that as you level up your characters, you’ll also be upgrading their skills with whatever weapon you choose. We recommend that you choose a weapon that’s common to your class and specialization, and stick with it as you accumulate XP.
When you’re fighting monsters with a new weapon, you’ll waste a lot of time because of mistakes, and it’ll take a while to upgrade your skills to the highest level. It’s usually worth waiting until you get the right type of weapon before you upgrade.
Overall, WOW Classic ERA is a version of the game that’s worth exploring and experiencing.