WOW Classic SOD: Which Consumables Are Best For Each Class? - A Detailed List
In the ever-changing stages of World of Warcraft Season of Discovery, players have more and more things to explore, such as level caps and different endgame dungeons and raids. But one thing that will not change no matter which stage you go into a raid is that you need to bring some consumables.
There are a lot of consumables for you to choose from in WOW SOD, but you need to make targeted choices based on your raid role and the strengths of their class. This is very important because the right consumables will make your raid easier.
This guide will give you a list of the best consumables for each class to use when playing different roles. However, it should be noted that most of the best consumables need to be crafted first, so prepare them as early as possible before the raid.
Consumables For All Classes
Although I just said that you need to choose consumables for specific classes and roles, there are some consumables that you must bring when you go into battle. Some are very easy to craft, so you can make some of them. They’ll both make your raiding and exploring endgame dungeons a lot easier, as will get that final SOD Gold.
- Enchanted Sigi: It provides 30 bonus damage and healing spells and attack damage to everyone in the raid.
- Might of Stormwind: It provides 15 bonus attack speed and 300 bonus health to your character.
- Cooking Recipes: Certain foods and drinks have bonuses that stack with flasks, potions, and elixirs, so if you don’t have a good idea of what food you want to craft, just bring the recipes.
- Demonic Runes: It helps you recover some mana, useful for any class that uses mana. But be aware that your health will be lower at this time, so you need to make a trade-off between the two.
- Winterspring Doctor: If you bring Witch Doctor Mau’ari to Winterspring, it will turn it into some powerful Jujus and provide you with better elemental resistance and enhanced attack and spell power.
Best Consumables For Each Class
The following are the best consumables for each class when playing different roles. You can choose the most suitable one according to your combat habits and strategies.
Feral DPS
- Catnip
- Flask of Supreme Power
- Elixir of Mongoose
- Grilled Squid
- Free Action Potion
Balance DPS
- Flask of Supreme Power
- Wizard Oil
- Mageblood Potion
- Cerebral Cortex Compound
- Runn Tum Tuber Surprise or Nightfin Soup
- Flask of Distilled Wisdom
- Elixir of Fortitude or Elixir of Defense
- Mighty Troll’s Blood Potion
- Cerebral Cortex Compound
- Nightfin Soup
- Elixir of Giants or Elixir of Mongoose
- Greater Stoneshield Potion
- Winterfall Firewater
- Grilled Squid or Smoked Desert Dumplings
- Rumsey Rum Black Label
Melee DPS
- Greater Nature or Shadow or Fire or Arcane Protection Potion
- Elixir of Mongoose
- Atal’ai Mojo of War
- Grilled Squid
- Winterfall Firewater
- Oil of Immolation
Ranged DPS
- Elixir of Mongoose
- Nightfin Soup or Grilled Squid
- Atal’ai Mojo of War
- Wizard Oil
- Demonic Runes
Mage - Healer Or DPS
- Flask of Supreme Power
- Greater Arcane Elixir or Elixir of Firepower
- Wizard Oil
- Nightfin Soup or Runn Tum Tuber Suprise
- Mageblood Potion
- Cerebral Cortex Compound
- Mildly Irradiated Rejuvenation Potion (Alchemists only)
- Flask of Distilled Wisdom
- Mageblood Potion
- Demonic Runes
- Cerebral Cortex Compound
- Nightfin Soup
- Wizard Oil
- Flask of Titans
- Blessed Sunfruit
- Juju Power or Elixir of Giants
- Grilled Squid or Nightfin Soup
- R.O.I.D.S.
- Winterfall Firewater
- Flask of Supreme Power
- Greater Stoneshield Potion
- Elixir of Fortitude
- Rumsey Rum Black Label
- Grilled Squid
- Flask of Distilled Wisdom
- Wizard Oil
- Elixir of Greater Defense
- Greater Arcane Elixir
- Nightfin Soup
- Flask of Supreme Power
- Greater Arcane Elixir or Elixir of Shadow Power
- Cerebral Cortex Compound
- Nightfin Soup or Tender Wolf Steak
- Demonic Runes
Rogue - Tank Or DPS
- Flask of Titans
- Juju Power
- Elixir of Mongoose
- Grilled Squid
- Rumsey Rum Delight
- Winterfall Firewater
- Flask of Distilled Wisdom
- Elixir of Superior Defense
- Wizard Oil
- Runn Tum Tuber Surprise
- Rumsey Rum Black Label
- Flask of Titans
- Juju Might
- Elixir of Fortitude
- Grilled Squid or Dragonbreath Chili
- Rumsey Rum Black Label
- Elemental Or Enhancement DPS
- Flask of Supreme Power
- Demonic Runes
- Mageblood Potion
- Elixir of Fortitude
- Nightfin Soup or Runn Tum Tuber Surprise
- Enchanted Sigil: Living Dreams (Enchanters only)
- Flask of Titans
- Elixir of Fortitude
- Wizard Oil
- Rumsey Rum Black Label
- Mildly Irradiated Rejuvenation Potion (Alchemists only)
- Flask of Supreme Power
- Mageblood Potion
- Elixir of Shadow Power or Elixir of Firepower
- Wizard Oil
- Rumsey Rum Black Label
- Nightfin Soup
- Flask of Titans
- Juju Power or Elixir of Giants
- Grilled Squid or Dragonbreath Chili
- Winterfall Firewater
- Rumsey Rum Black Label
- Flask of Titans
- Juju Power or R.O.I.D.S.
- Elixir of Mongoose
- Grilled Squid
- Rumsey Rum Black Label
These are the best consumables for each class in raids in WOW Classic SOD. Hopefully, you can craft enough of these items early in the game, and your raids will be much easier with them. Have fun!