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Publish Date: Sep 28 ,2024
Putrescent Knight serves as an optional boss in the latter stage in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, who is pretty hard to deal with because of its indiscernible moves.
This boss fight is separated into two semi-distinct phases, one is to against a large skeleton equipped with a powerful weapon, and the other is a horse which will cut the breathe of you.
Therefore, it is necessary to make a well-prepared plan before launching a fight with him. Discovering his weaknesses, grasping his attack mode and equipping with powerful weapons will help you diminish this boss easily. This passage will detail the specific strategy to defeat him.
Putrescent Knight is located at the bottom of a pit in Stone Coffin Fissure. Players are available to enter this location destroying Miquella’s seal, which will dead your way to Fissure. Then head to the southern edge of Cerulean Coast and search for an enormous rift in the middle of the peninsula.
Find a path going down surrounded this rift, where lies Site Of Grace.
Go along the road, you will find a ledge. Jump off it, then Putrescent Knight will appear.
Among the toughest bosses in Shadow of the Erdtree, the high aggression is often what makes the fight so difficult. But increasing aggression and putting the player on the defensive is not the only way FromSoftware has used to increase the challenge of the game.
Some bosses feature some unique moves which are pretty hard to understand, and it is also enhancing the difficulty of the game. And Putrescent Knight can be served as a vivid example.
His moves features twisting, and spinning in inhuman ways which are targeted to confuse players at first glance. And another uniqueness is Putrescent Knight’s horse. His mount further expands the uncertainty of the way forward, making Putrescent Knight faster and more erratic.
Here lies a specific description of moves Putrescent Knight will use in the game.
Putrescent Knight will charge at the player and swing his cleaver, which could be avoided by rolling into the boss.
Putrescent Knight will jump off his horse and charge at the player. Then the boss will start spinning, standing upside down, and running straight at the player. This attack is very consistent and you need to dodge twice to completely avoid it.
Putrescent Knight will pull away from the player and throw his cleaver like a boomerang.
The boss starts raining down frostbite-inflicting flame on the arena. The player can avoid it by jumping.
The boss will spew out flames in the shape of a circle to deal with flame attacks.
The boss spews out purple flames in a straight line. The player can jump to avoid it. After the attack, he will walk towards the player without giving the player any chance to fight back.
Accurately finding the boss’s weakness and equipping the right weapon are necessary conditions to ensure victory in the battle. It is noticeable that Putrescent Knight is particularly fragile to Holy and slightly less fragile to fire. Although his attacks do look difficult to parry, as long as you dodge in time, they will not cause significant damage.
You are required to have 8 Scadutree upgrades for consistent damage and defense before fighting with this boss. Below lies the best load out to deal with Putrescent Knight:
220,000 Elden Ring Runes and Remembrance of Putrescence will be claimed after slaying this tricky boss. And Remembrance of Putrescence can be exchanged for other two items with Finger Reader Enia, which are Putrescent Cleaver or Vortex of Putrescence, respectively.
Considering the fact that Cleaver will build up frost and Vortex features a ridiculously small range, players will make a simple choice.
That’s it for Putrescent Knight in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. Thanks for reading.